English Meditation Class

Follow guided meditations and listen to a teaching on how to practically improve our mind to find real happiness.

Über diesen Kurs

In this busy world, our experiences of happiness are fleeting and short-lived, while inner peace eludes us often completely. Our negative states of mind, such as uncontrolled desire and anger, create endless problems for ourselves and others, and prevent us from fulfilling our deepest wishes. Based on Buddha’s popular teaching on the Four Noble Truths, which offers a clear and simple solution to all our problems, we are guided to an oasis of peace within our hearts. First we need to focus in particular on overcoming the problem of anger, learning how to develop and maintain patience when faced with even the most difficult circumstances.

These general Programme classes are open to anyone interested in meditation and solving our human problems from the side of our own mind. Each evening offers the opportunity to follow guided meditations and listen to a teaching on how to practically improve our mind to find real happiness in our daily life. The teachings are based on the books of Gehe Kelsang Gyatso, who presents the ancient wisdom of Buddha in a modern day presentation, suitable for us to understand and practice. At the end of the class there is time for discussion and questions. Then you can go relaxed and inspired into the rest of your week.

Everyone is welcome!



October 14  •  Is anger human?

October 21  •  Finding faults – with wisdom

November 04  •  The power of patient acceptance

November 11  •  The freedom of maintaining peace



  • On site and online
  • Costs: Single ticket: 10€, 4 Class Card: 32€


Kadampa Meditationszentrum München

Zentral in der Münchner Innenstadt, bietet das KMC München eine Oase des Friedens. Hier haben alle Interessierten die Möglichkeit, mit einem vielschichtigen Programm, modernen Kadampa Buddhismus kennenzulernen, durch Meditation inneren, geistigen Frieden zu kultivieren und somit Frieden in unsere Beziehungen zu anderen und in die Welt zu tragen.

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